What you need to know about Carp

The common carp is distinguishable from other members of the Cyprinid family by the heavy and strongly serrated spines in the anterior portion of its dorsal and anal fins, and by the presence of two rather long, fleshy barbells on each side of its upper jaw. In their natural habitat and over their natural range, carp can live to be more than 20 years old and can grow to reach lengths of up to 1,220 mm (50 inches). Sexually mature fish move into the warm waters of the shallows to spawn in late spring. One single female will lay anywhere from 300,000 to 600,000 eggs. Carp are omnivorous feeders, with a preference for chironomid pupae and damsel fly nymphs, as well as other aquatic invertebrates, plankton and macro algae. Contrary to commonly held beliefs, carp are not bottom feeders. They often feed near the bottom of a lake but do not actually feed right on the bottom in the way that suckers do. When searching for food, they tend to disturb the sediment on the bottom of the lake, stirring up and dislodging insects which inhabit the flora on the lake bottom. They will then feed on the insects floating in the water.

There are a variety of angling methods used to catch coarse fish such as carp. Everything from worms to dough balls to pieces of cheese can be used. Some coarse fish species such as pike minnows are predatory, non-selective feeders that feed on bait fish, while suckers and chub, which have smaller mouths, will tend to take worms over food sources such as bait fish. Carp, on the other hand, are both aggressive and opportunistic feeders which feed on everything from micro-invertebrates to insect larvae, and pupae to baitfish. They use their sucker-like mouths to inhale their food. Carp can also be extremely opportunistic feeders and can quickly become accustomed to food designed for human consumption. It is common for carp to feed on bread, chips, fries, crackers, pop corn and other types of junk food people often feed to birds or simply throw into the water. Once carp in a particular area get accustomed to being fed, they will quickly learn to congregate where a free food source is abundant. Using the carp’s adaptability to certain food groups to your advantage is the first step to successful carp fishing.

The second step is to keep in mind that once they are hooked, you are fighting a big, powerful fish. Catching this fish quires more patience and play than other species, do to softer-than-average mouths and relatively small hooks. It is recommended to use a medium action rod with large spool reel with at least 300 meters line. Monofilaments are recommended do to the flexibility in the line, but Braid line is also common. Normally the drag  resistance is to be set at 2-4 kg, that allows the fish to make the run-outs that most of the time ends with line breaking or ripping the mouth.

Once carp realize they’ve been hooked, they will often make for the nearest rock pile, log or weed bed. This is where a longer rod can come in handy, as you have more control over fighting the fish. Avoid trying to “winch” carp in by constantly reeling against it. Make the fish fight the rod. Be sure to maintain constant pressure on the fish – lots of arch, lots of pressure.

 Carp may not be the prettiest fish there is when compared to shiny Brook trout   but they are a scrappy enough fish to give you one of the best fish fighting experience. Just because they are considered a coarse fish and not a sport fish doesn’t mean they don’t deserve respect. Carp is found almost in every lake and larger rivers from Quebec to British Columbia.


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